Emily Perraut, MA, LLP, CCTP
SSP Yoda Associate

Emily is a licensed psychotherapist and experienced trauma therapist. who has been in practice since 2011. Emily is based near Detroit, Michigan. Emily and I have been friends for a few years, having first connected in online clinical trainings. I didn't know how interested Emily was in SSP until the first time we met in person when I was traveling through Michigan. Emily's intense curiosity and obvious excitement about SSP reminded me very much of myself when I first encountered it. Between my own overwhelming intuitive sense, Emily's already being an experienced, kind, caring and sensitive trauma therapist with a strong sense of social justice - I knew right away she'd make an incredible SSP provider and that I'd love to have her on my team.

Emily is a fully certified SSP provider who has done both the foundational Unyte-iLs SSP training, as well as my own Elevate Your SSP Practice to the Next Level two day advanced Training for SSP providers.

She is also a Certified Brainspotting practitioner and consultant.

Emily instantly and clearly grasped the unique and innovative adaptations to SSP that I have discovered and that tend to allow people to have more gentle SSP processes while obtaining the best possible results - sometimes intensely dramatic ones!

Emily has special interests in areas such as helping adults who have trauma, those with goals of becoming more confident and assertive, and with helping dogs with SSP.