All SSP Yoda Associates have the benefit of direct and easy access to my expertise - and I, to theirs. We all provide SSP internationally and charge equivalent rates. Jeffi and I are based in Ontario Canada and charge in CDN currency. Raizy and Lara are based in the US and charge in the equivalent US currency.

Jeffi Farquharson, RP

SSP Yoda Associate

I am very happy to welome Jeffi Farquharson as an associate to my practice. Jeffi has been a close friend of mine for the past 20 years. As well as being a wonderful psychotherapist and SSP provider, she is also one of the warmest, caring and most compassionate people I have ever met. She is trained in many of the same modalities as I am, and is currently doing Somatic Experiencing training.

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Raizy Yormark, MSW, LSW, CCC-SLP

SSP Yoda Associate

Raizy is a very welcome addition to the SSP Yoda team. Raizy brings a wealth of experience and unique skill set as someone who is trained as both a trauma therapist and as a speech and language pathologist. She specializes in working with highly sensitive people and those with complex trauma.

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Lara Wrigley, Psy D

SSP Yoda Associate

Dr. Lara Wrigley is a licensed clinical psychologist with over 30 years of clinical experience working with a broad range of clients at all phases of the life span. She utilizes an integrative model in her approach that includes a focus on relational health, trauma and nervous system regulation. As a member of PSYPACT, she is able to offer insurance reimbursable psychotherapy in most states within the U.S.

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Emily Perraut, MA, LLP, CCTP

SSP Yoda Associate

Emily is a licensed psychotherapist and experienced trauma therapist. who has been in practice since 2011. Emily is based near Detroit, Michigan. Emily and I have been friends for a few years, having first connected in online clinical trainings. I didn't know how interested Emily was in SSP until the first time we met in person when I was traveling through Michigan. Emily's intense curiosity and obvious excitement about SSP reminded me very much of myself when I first encountered it. Between my own overwhelming intuitive sense, Emily's already being an experienced, kind, caring and sensitive trauma therapist with a strong sense of social justice - I knew right away she'd make an incredible SSP provider and that I'd love to have her on my team.

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Carol Ann Brayley, MSW, RSW, SEP

SSP Yoda

From the moment I first encountered SSP I became very passionate about it. I learned with SSP very rapidly and lately I feel like I am coming to new understandings about SSP on an almost daily basis, that I believe may at times help to increase its effectiveness.

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